Don’t Tread on Ukraine

Don't Tread on Me Ukrainian Edition

By now everyone has heard of Snake Island and the famous response the thirteen Ukrainian warriors gave the invading Russian warship. “Go f*ck yourself.”

Those warriors died having uttered those words as their last great act of defiance to tyranny as it bore down upon them. Going forward, I propose the phrase, “Snake Island” or “Remember Snake Island” now be the equivalent to “Go f*ck yourself.”

Below you will find two images. The first is a simple token made from a generic black and white image I found from the movie Red Dawn. It was the symbol of the resistance to Russian aggression in the movie. It will fit nicely in a Facebook profile picture.

The second image is one I cobbled together from two images I found under Creative Commons license. Attribution for the two images will be listed below the second image. In the spirit of Snake Island I offer these to you for Fair Use.

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