Devotions from the Pen
Reading isn’t enough. Agreeing with it isn’t enough. It has to move us to the point of actual motion or it is just empty rhetoric with no eternal meaning at all.
22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
James 1:22 (KJV)
May it Never Be!
How do we grow closer to Jesus and his ways? We begin by deciding to move away from the things God said He doesn’t like and become the follower of a better way. …Would you like to know more?
Whom Do You Serve?
It is a time of choosing, a time of picking sides. It is a time of declaring allegiance, ideology, and faith. Whom do you serve? …Would you like to know more?
Alive Unto God Sunday School Lesson
The old way of living is incompatible with God’s way of living. When we throw off the old person and take on the new person that means new ways too. …Would you like to know ...Would you like to know more?
Whom Do You Serve?
It is a time of choosing, a time of picking sides. It is a time of declaring allegiance, ideology, and faith. Whom do you serve? …Would you like to know more?
Addiction Kills but Jesus Saves
Human beings are addicted to sin as much as anyone is to drugs or alcohol. We get to choose how we react to those addictions. …Would you like to know more?
Avoid the Dominion of the World
Jesus defeated death and removed the binds of sin from our lives so that it no longer controls our destination if we follow Him. …Would you like to know more?
The Hope of Jesus Through His Church
As the hands and feet of Jesus the we walk in newness of life to give hope to those we meet. …Would you like to know more?
Be the New Creature Not the Old One
If we really need saving from sin then we should move away from it and not continue to walk in it once we are a new creation in Christ. …Would you like to know more?
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