Guardians of the Herald Issue – #97
Colonel Peters leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. He knew it was risky planning to put one of his soldiers in harm’s way like this so he intended to make the operation …Would you like to know more?
Colonel Peters leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. He knew it was risky planning to put one of his soldiers in harm’s way like this so he intended to make the operation …Would you like to know more?
“Holy crap! What just happened to him?” Sergeant Sanchez asked. Colonel Peters wasn’t sure either as he tried to make sense of the data streams coming from Billy Ransom. He crossed the short distance to …Would you like to know more?
“Congratulations Sergeant,” Colonel Peters said, shaking the man’s hand as he handed him a small box containing sergeant’s rank insignia. “Thank you, sir. I won’t let you down,” the newly minted Sergeant Henderson said, beaming …Would you like to know more?
Copyright 2020 Mark Malcolm