Guardians of the Herald – Issue #103
“Amen,” Billy said as he opened his eyes. He pushed up on the bed he leaned against to help get off his knees and realized he’d need to get something soft to kneel on if …Would you like to know more?
“Amen,” Billy said as he opened his eyes. He pushed up on the bed he leaned against to help get off his knees and realized he’d need to get something soft to kneel on if …Would you like to know more?
“Knights Templars? Aren’t they the bad guys from those movies?” Billy asked, sitting back in disbelief. Hugh threw up his hands and rolled his eyes. “You see. Even after so many years we are still …Would you like to know more?
Billy, Angela, and another man sat a small round table in the facility cafeteria. Billy was sipping a soda while Angela and the man who had been introduced simply as Hugh both drank coffee. The …Would you like to know more?
Copyright 2020 Mark Malcolm