Is a coup even possible?

Photo taken by Sander Spek and in the public domain from
D’artagnan prepares to defend his honour

Here’s a link to an article I wrote for  They are a news and opinion aggregate site created by the people from Grunt Style.  If you don’t know Grunt Style you should check them out on Facebook HERE.  They make men and women’s military themed apparel, mostly t-shirts.  They’re really great looking shirts.   Both Grunt Style and are veteran owned, veteran operated, and all the writers for Americangrit are veterans too, including yours truly.

Anyway, the article I wrote deals with the recent, well it was then anyway, media reports about Rick Joyner and what he said in one of his broadcasts.  The media pulled a quote, out of context, and implied pastor Joyner was calling for a military coup in America to get rid of President Obama.  My article explores that idea and if it’s even possible.  Check it out HERE or at the following link…

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